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superfoods for hair

Too Much Hair Fall? Include These Top 10 Superfoods in Your Diet.


Who doesn’t want healthy, long, and lustrous hair? Everyone does! Right? Unfortunately, not everyone can have healthy and long hair or cannot maintain them. The reason can be multiple. From age to genetics to diet and health, each of these factors affects the growth of your hair. You can try tons of hair growth tips. Yet, if you are not focusing on these things, your hair will fall or face other woes.

While you cannot control genetics or age factors affecting your hair growth. The one thing that you can control is your diet. A balanced and nutritious diet can help you grow healthy, shiny, and lustrous hair. A diet rich in vitamin C, D, E, zinc, and biotin will promote hair growth, providing enough nutrients to make your hair follicles healthy. Want to know what food items to include in your diet for hale and hearty hair? Read below!

Include These Top 10 Superfoods in Your Diet For Hair Growth

1. Eggs

Eggs are a favourite breakfast staple and are full of biotin and protein. Both of these are essential for hair growth. Protein ensures your hair grows healthy as hair follicles are protein, so you need to include that in your diet. Biotin produces keratin, which may help your hair retain shine and softness.

Eggs are rich in both, and thus, you should include them in your diet. If you do not eat eggs or consume any other sources of biotin, consider taking hair biotin supplements to promote hair growth.

2. Avocado

One of the best fruits to consume for hair growth is avocados. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are essential for hair that is shiny, strong, and lustrous. It is one of the hair growth tips you need to try because our body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids.

Also, avocados are a versatile fruit. You can add them to your morning smoothies or make guacamole using them or use them on a toast.

3. Spinach (and all the good-old dark leafy vegetables)

Spinach and other leafy vegetables are high in iron, which your hair needs to grow healthily. When your body is running low on iron, you face hair issues like hair fall because the scalp cannot absorb the nutrients. It, in turn, leads to hair becoming weak, brittle, and falling, which ruins your chances of having long hair.

4. Guava

A fruit that is rich in vitamin C that protects your hair from breaking is Guava. Even a cup of juice of this fruit a day can provide you with enough nutrients to promote hair growth. Try this hair growth tip along with Hair skin vitamins for boosting hair health, and you will undoubtedly start seeing results soon.

5. Legumes

Lentils and beans are a massive part of the legumes' family. They are rich in protein and other minerals, like biotin. Thus, consuming them frequently can help you improve the texture of your hair and strengthen them from roots. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, include a good amount of legumes in your diet for better hair health. Also, it can make your nails and skin healthy too.

6. Sweet potatoes

Adding sweet potatoes to your diet is another impeccable hair growth tip that you need to try. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that ensures your hair to fight against dullness and dryness. When our body consumes beta-carotene, it turns it into vitamin A, which helps with dullness.

Also, due to this, your scalp can produce sebum, an oily fluid ensuring your hair doesn’t dry out. Even carrots and mangoes have this antioxidant, but sweet potatoes are available throughout the year, so do include them.

7. Almonds and walnuts

These are superfoods due to their high concentration of biotin. As we mentioned above, biotin can reduce hair loss, which in turn, promotes healthy hair. Also, these are rich in Vitamin-E, a vitamin good for your scalp and hair. Eat them as a snack or add them to your bowl of smoothie or cereal to enjoy their benefits.

8. Chia seeds

Chia Seeds are rich in antioxidants, which reduce hair fall. Also, they are high in calcium, so if you do not consume dairy, include them in your diet. Add them to your morning smoothie or soak them in water and drink it to enjoy their benefits.

9. Collagen

Our body produces collagen, which helps with hair growth and skin elasticity. It keeps the two happy and healthy. However, collagen production declines as we age, so taking collagen supplements should be part of your diet.

10. Cinnamon

The last hair growth tip for you is to add cinnamon to your oatmeal or coffee. It ensures healthy circulation, which takes oxygen and nutrients to your scalp, promoting healthy hair.

Remember: long hair doesn’t mean healthy hair, and short hair doesn’t mean unhealthy. Healthy hair does not fall a lot (losing 50 strands a day is okay) and is not damaged. Sure, trimming, massage, oil treatment, and conditioning go a long way. However, a balanced diet is the best hair growth tip that you must follow, and ask your kids to follow too for radiant and shiny hair.

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